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A fun egg chair for Kassidy's new room

Posted Nov 1, 2023
Kassidy's permanency goals have recently changed, and she is now headed toward guardianship in her current foster placement. Because of this, Kassidy and her foster parents want to create a space that is fully made for Kassidy as she intends to live in the home permanently. Kassidy is excited about this fresh start and feels as though having a bedroom that was made specifically for her is very symbolic of this new phase in her life. This egg chair will be perfect for a moment of solitude in her room.

Kassidy is 15 years old and lives in NE

Kassidy is a hilarious young lady who's getting ready for high school. Everyone adores her ability to spread joy and laughter, which is why she's a fantastic role model for her little cousins living with her. In her free time, Kassidy loves to coach her cousins' volleyball team, cheer on her school's team, and indulge in some delicious Chick-fil-a.

The Wish Story

Jenda Foster Care requests this wish for Kassidy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Kassidy! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Jenda Foster Care for Kassidy.

Kassidy receives the wish from Jenda Foster Care

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