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A High Chair for Gavin who is ready to try new foods

Posted Nov 7, 2023
Gavin is a sweet baby boy who is quickly growing and ready to try new foods! He is one of two infants in the home, but his foster mother only has one high chair. Gavin needs one of his own, not only for his foster home, but for when the time comes for him to reunify with his family.

Gavin is 1 year old and lives in GA

Gavin is the best! He loves to look around and take in his surroundings. He loves to spend time outside playing!

The Wish Story

Carroll County Foster Parent Association requests this wish for Gavin.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Gavin! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Gavin, Merry Christmas! May your life be full of blessings and Joy! Psalm 16:11 "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Carroll County Foster Parent Association for Gavin.

Gavin receives the wish from Carroll County Foster Parent Association

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