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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

AirPods for Miguel so stay up to date with tech trends

Posted Nov 7, 2023
Miguel is tech-savvy and a social media guru. He has asked for a pair of AirPods to stay current with tech trends and listen to music in peace. He will also be able to enjoy Tik Tok and Instagram during his down time.

Miguel is 20 years old and lives in GA

Miguel is known as the "king of dry humor" in his foster home. And it's true--his love for making his loved ones laugh is just one of his incredible qualities. Miguel lives with a foster family through extended foster care. He is finishing up high school, working hard at his part-time job, and studying for his driver's license. Miguel is determined, hardworking, and loved by everyone who meets him.

The Wish Story

Carroll County Foster Parent Association requests this wish for Miguel.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Miguel! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I'm more of an Android guy myself, but AirPods are pretty cool too ;) Enjoy! -Tricky"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Carroll County Foster Parent Association for Miguel.

Carroll County Foster Parent Association receives the wish!

Miguel receives the gift from Carroll County Foster Parent Association!

"Hi! I am Miguel's foster mom and wanted to thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in fulfilling Miguel's wish for Air Pods! Miguel is one of the most humble, gentle souls I've ever met, and he rarely asks for anything, so when he specifically asked for Air Pods recently, I KNEW it was a serious request! I know this gift will make his day, it certainly made mine. Thank you so much for the difference you are making in your generosity!"

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