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The Friends TV show Lego set for Maddie to add to her collectibles

Posted Nov 8, 2023
Maddie is the biggest fan of the tv show Friends. She has been collecting t-shirts, small collectables, and the show generally gives her happiness. She actually has talked about this Lego set for the past year & a half. Maddie's CASA says when she asked her about the holidays, this was the only thing she mentioned she wanted.

Maddie is 16 years old and lives in CA

Maddie and her sisters were removed from their home due to neglect and living in a car. Maddie is currently placed in a home where she is thriving. Seeing the progress, she has made in so many areas of her life has been inspiring. She has been doing so well in school, and her self-confidence has blossomed. She even smiles more! Maddie loves watching Friends and making jewelry.

The Wish Story

Voices for Children requests this wish for Maddie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Maddie! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Enjoy your new Lego set, Maddie! Your Friend, John"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Voices for Children for Maddie.

Voices for Children receives the wish!

Maddie receives the gift from Voices for Children !

"Thank you so much for the Friends Lego set. I have been a Friends fan forever and I love Lego's so this is truly the perfect gift. "

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