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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Makeup for Addison to look great when she goes out

Posted Nov 9, 2023
Addison loves to dress up & do her makeup. This makeup kit lets her get done up for school or for a night out with her friends. Addison can experiment with different colors and tones and express herself freely.

Addison is 17 years old and lives in MD

Addison is a fun spirited teen who is enjoying her final years of high school. Addison loves to spend time with her friends and try the latest fashion and seeking inspiration from her favorite celebrities. Addison loves spending her spare time with her foster family & friends all while focusing on her independence.

The Wish Story

Children's Choice requests this wish for Addison.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Justine grants the wish for Addison! Thanks Justine.

"Enjoy your new makeup Addison!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children's Choice for Addison.

Children's Choice receives the wish!

Addison receives the gift from Children's Choice !

"To say “thank you” seems so small in comparison to your gift. We know, “it wasn’t that much…” but it was to a child who has had a lot of sadness in their lives. To them, your gift represents someone they don’t know taking time to consider them. To them, your gift means that someone they never met was thinking about them in a time when that is not a common occurrence. Thank you for taking the time, for spending the money, for your consideration to those who don’t have much. Have a blessed Christmas season and a wonderful 2024 year! "

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