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An Art Kit for Uriel to craft with

Posted Nov 12, 2023
Since he’s a special child, he enjoys doing little-kid things like playing with his little sisters or simple arts and crafts. He loves drawing cars and crafting people and “towns”. He would love this art kit to have tons of fun and I’m sure he’d like his sisters to join him as well. He loves bright colors and creating new things!

Uriel is 11 years old and lives in NC

Uriel is a curious young boy who loves nature, birds, and the beach. He was diagnosed with autism a few years ago and is extremely sentimental but also very happy most of the time. He loves playing outside and making new friends at the playground. He also enjoys helping around the house even when he’s not asked. As Uriel continues to grow, he has learned how to control his emotions and has become a star student in his classroom earning many awards and certificates for his positive behavior and helpful hands.

The Wish Story

Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina requests this wish for Uriel.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Uriel! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina for Uriel.

Uriel receives the gift from Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina!

"Family was so happy to receive the gift card. Thank you so much!"

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