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About This Wish

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A Christmas sweater for Lorena to wear this holiday season

Posted Nov 16, 2023
Lorena would love this sweater for a Christmas Party. She will be so excited to wear it this holiday season!

Lorena is 18 years old and lives in NJ

Lorena is an independent, reliable, strong, fierce young lady. Lorena has been through a lot of hardships but that hasn't stopped her from getting to where she is today. Lorena is in her last year of High School & is hoping to go to college as the first generation of her family. Lorena is also very helpful & responsible by helping parents with babysitting siblings but also getting her school work done on time. Lorena has big dreams for herself & is hoping to become someone known one day- to prove to her loved ones that she can do anything she puts her mind to.

The Wish Story

CarePlusNJ requests this wish for Lorena.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Lorena! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Dear Lorena. I wish you joy this Christmas! Keep working hard and keep focused on school. Don’t let bumps in the road discourage you. Be the smart, independent, sassy and successful woman that you are meant to be! All the best. Lisa"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CarePlusNJ for Lorena.

Lorena receives the wish from CarePlus NJ

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