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iPad for Brooklyn who is learning how to read

Posted Nov 21, 2023
Brooklyn is learning to read and having an iPad would help her because she can download so many learning apps. Then, once she's ready, she can start getting books to read. Plus, she can chat with her sisters and other family with the iPad. It would really make her Christmas magical!

Brooklyn is 7 years old and lives in MO

Brooklyn is a doll! She is so sweet and loves to laugh. She has been working on learning to read. Brooklyn has three siblings and loves to play games with them. She makes friends easily and is quite a chatterbox!

The Wish Story

Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association requests this wish for Brooklyn.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards Holiday Wishes grants the wish for Brooklyn! Thanks *OSW Towards Holiday Wishes.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association for Brooklyn.

Brooklyn receives the wish from Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association

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