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About This Wish

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Star Wars Lego set for Elijuh so he can master his building skills

Posted Nov 21, 2023
Elijuh loves anything Star Wars lately. He is wishing for a new Lego set of Star Wars to help him with master his building skills and problem solving. It will also give him the ability to collect a great building project to play with for hours.

Elijuh is 13 years old and lives in MO

Elijuh has love for life. He loves exploring, building and taking pictures. He wants to be a reporter. He says he can report the news and help others by finding out what is going on around them. He loves pretending in his backyard and being his own reporter.

The Wish Story

Abilities First requests this wish for Elijuh.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Elijuh! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Have fun with your Star Wars Lego, Elijuh! Your Friend, John"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Abilities First for Elijuh.

Elijuh receives the gift from Abilities First !

"Dear John, I did not forget because I love my Star Wars Legos. I have spent so much time building and playing and I love it. Thank you for making my wish come true and for giving me something that I can use over and over again. "

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