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About This Wish

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An Xbox for Eric so he can teach his foster mom about video games

Posted Dec 13, 2023
When Eric was with his mom, she accidentally broke his gaming system and was never able to replace it. Eric still carries all of his games with him, hoping he'll get another system someday. He looks forward to the competitions he'll have with his foster family when he gets his system back. Having the wish granted would make his day! He wants an Xbox to have so much fun!

Eric is 14 years old and lives in MO

Eric is an extremely caring and cooperative individual, according to his foster mom. He loves sports games because he likes being able to play against someone else, like a brother, a cousin, a parent. He wants to teach his foster mom how to play Madden and other games so they can have something fun to do during "their" time.

The Wish Story

Bringing Families Together requests this wish for Eric.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Eric! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas! We love some xbox at our house, so glad to spread the love! Praying you have a wonderful Christmas! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Bringing Families Together for Eric.

Eric receives the wish from Bringing Families Together

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