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Car payment for Bobby who needs help supporting his family

Posted Jan 31, 2024
Bobby is about to become a father for the first time and is currently supporting himself and his partner throughout her pregnancy. This wish would greatly help him with his car payment, which is necessary for his daily commute to work. He recently landed a new full-time job, but won't receive his first paycheck in time to make the payment by its due date. It would ease the financial stress he's currently under while ensuring that he can provide proper housing, food, and other necessities for himself and his partner.

Bobby is 24 years old and lives in UT

Bobby was in the system until his 18th birthday and got married at a very young age, experienced homelessness, and many other challenges. But through all that, he was able to start his own business that he is still working on putting together. He is currently going to higher ED for business management. He is working to become his best self.

The Wish Story

1999 Collective requests this wish for Bobby.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Erin grants the wish for Bobby! Thanks Erin.

"Bobby - congratulations to you and your partner on your first child! Hope this helps alleviate some stress so you can focus on being a dad ;) "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the 1999 Collective for Bobby.

Bobby receives the wish from 1999 Collective

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