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A bike for Grace to ride and help with physical and mental health

Posted Nov 29, 2023
Grace has learned how to ride a bike since being in foster care, but the bike broke and has not been able to be replaced due to financial reasons. She was very proud of herself for learning how to ride and wants to be able to continue to do so. Grace is aware of her medical need to exercise more to lose weight, and bike riding is how she decided to work on this goal to make it fun. Grace's mood improves when she engages in this activity, and the bike helps her meet these goals.

Grace is 15 years old and lives in NJ

Grace is an optimistic, loving, kind, and helpful individual. She can be very silly at times, striving to make others around her feel comfortable and laugh with her. She has a strong passion and dedication to learning, despite her intellectual disability. Grace entered the foster care system without her two sisters and has struggled with being separated from her mother. Grace is very motivated to work on her goals while her mother works on hers for the goal of reunification.

The Wish Story

Sevita New Jersey Mentor requests this wish for Grace.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Grace! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Grace, I am so happy that I can provide a bike for you. I hope it's useful and brings a smile to your face. You are a very special and valued person and deserve good things and happiness. Work hard and persist at your goals in life. I believe in you! Mrs. C"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Sevita New Jersey Mentor for Grace.

Grace receives the gift from Sevita New Jersey Mentor!

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