The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).
A Remote Control Toy Truck for Josiah to find under the tree
Posted Nov 30, 2023
Foster parents would love to get some gifts for Josiah for the upcoming holiday season. This was one toy that Josiah had showed interest in and would love. Not only fulfilling this wish for the foster child would provide a sense of normalcy in the home but it would also provide another quality time activity he could do with his brothers in the home.
Josiah is a very curious little toddler. Josiah likes to play and explore his surrounding and is very attentive to
his environment. Josiah enjoys his time with his siblings.
The Wish Story
Arrow Child Family Ministries - McAllen requests this wish for Josiah.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
sachiko grants the wish for Josiah! Thanks sachiko.
"Enjoy! "
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Arrow Child Family Ministries - McAllen for Josiah.
Josiah receives the gift from Arrow Child Family Ministries - McAllen!
"Thank you so much for fulfilling this wish for Josiah. He will be so happy and excited to receive his gift this Christmas holiday."
Want to Help Children Like Josiah?
As Seen In
Are you sure you want to cancel this wish? If discarded, you will not be able to recover it.
Arrow Child Family Ministries - McAllen requests this wish for Josiah.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
sachiko grants the wish for Josiah! Thanks sachiko.
"Enjoy! "
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Arrow Child Family Ministries - McAllen for Josiah.
Josiah receives the gift from Arrow Child Family Ministries - McAllen!
"Thank you so much for fulfilling this wish for Josiah. He will be so happy and excited to receive his gift this Christmas holiday."