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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Groceries for Lore to feed her family over the holidays

Posted Dec 1, 2023
Lore is one busy bee! She's juggling her full-time school schedule with an unpaid internship, and to top it off, she's got student loans looming over her head. With the holidays around the corner, Lore's also got to make sure her family has enough to eat. Luckily, she loves to shop in bulk and store her home-cooked meals in the freezer. A Whole Foods gift card would really help her out and ensure her family has delicious meals while she's studying.

Lore is 21 years old and lives in CA

Lore is currently attending college, majoring in Fire Science. She is extremely dedicated to her studies and is determined to make her dream of becoming a firefighter and EMT come true.

The Wish Story

Sophia grants the wish for Lore! Thanks Sophia.

"Hi Lore! Love the name and love how dedicated you are, juggling everything on top of an unpaid internship. I hope this helps out - if there was a way for me to up the donation amount, I would have (I know how expensive whole foods can be!). Lots of luck and love to you during the holidays."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Pivotal for Lore.

Lore receives the gift from Pivotal !

"Thank you so much for helping me get food for my family for the winter. I was able to make 10 large meals that included all of their favorites. I am so grateful for your kindness and generosity. I was able to enjoy my holiday. "

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