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Laptop for Katie to complete her college studies

Posted Dec 6, 2023
Katie would really, really love a laptop for when she goes off to college. A laptop is an invaluable tool for Katie as she embarks on her college journey in January, majoring in education. In the dynamic field of education, having a personal laptop provides her with the flexibility to create lesson plans, conduct research, and collaborate seamlessly with peers. It becomes her digital classroom, enabling her to stay organized, access educational resources, and develop engaging presentations. With the demands of coursework, online materials, and the need for collaborative projects, a laptop is not just a convenience but a necessity to empower Katie to excel academically and prepare for a future dedicated to shaping young minds.

Katie is 18 years old and lives in GA

Katie is an amazing young woman who is currently in foster care. She is doing great in school despite all that she has encountered over the years. Her foster mom describes her as "one dedicated and determined young lady". Katie will be heading off to college and will be majoring in education.

The Wish Story

Because One Matters requests this wish for Katie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Katie! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Dear Katie, Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your classes and are able to experience everything your college has to offer. All of my roommates in college majored in Education and love being teachers. Some of my most fun and memorable life experiences happened through my college, like studying abroad and internships. Wishing you the best for everything that comes next. Best, Lauren"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Because One Matters for Katie.

Because One Matters receives the wish!

Katie receives the gift from Because One Matters!

"Katie is so appreciative of her new laptop. She has been playing around with it and getting used to all the new features. She said it's going to make a huge difference for her when she returns to school in January. Thank you for being a difference maker. "

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