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About This Wish

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A gift card for Luke to get some yummy doughnuts

Posted Dec 12, 2023
Luke loves donuts! They are his favorite breakfast food. He really likes donuts with icing and sprinkles! He would love a gift card for a popular donut shop down the road!

Luke is 10 years old and lives in PA

Luke is a wonderful boy with an amazing bold, and strong personality. He is in foster care with 3 of his siblings. He loves to play video and play outside. He does very well in school and often gets to pick from the prize box at school because of his excellent behavior.

The Wish Story

Christ's Home requests this wish for Luke.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Racheal grants the wish for Luke! Thanks Racheal.

"I hope that you enjoy this gift and that you have an amazing holiday season! ~ Goodway Cares"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Christ's Home for Luke.

Luke receives the gift from Christ's Home!

"Thank you so much for granting this wish! He is so excited to get a sweet treat!"

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