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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A bedframe for Shari to have a bed in her new place

Posted Dec 19, 2023
Shari is signing her lease this morning so she and her two little ones can move out of a motel. She is starting with nothing, and a bed will get her started off strong. She will be so happy for this help and the ability to have the best night of sleep. She needs a bed so that she has a place to sleep. She will be so happy for this help!

Shari is 19 years old and lives in MO

Shari is a struggling single mom of little boys. Shari has had a hard life but is trying her hardest for her babies to make things right. Shari just got amazing news that she has an apartment to move into. Shari wants nothing more than a home and to get everything on track. Shari came into foster care at age 11 and sadly was released from care with little help.

The Wish Story

Preferred Family Employment Services/Chafee Program requests this wish for Shari.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Arianna grants the wish for Shari! Thanks Arianna.

"Congrats on the new place, Shari! Hope you and the kiddos enjoy making it your own. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Preferred Family Employment Services/Chafee Program for Shari.

Preferred Family Employment Services/Chafee Program receives the wish!

Shari receives the gift from Preferred Family Employment Services/Chafee Program!

"Thank You so much for granting this for Shari’s new him for Christmas. Sh is so thankful for everything she has received. Thank You from PFH and Happy Holidays"

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