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Clothes for Marley who is growing extremely fast

Posted Dec 19, 2023
Marley would like to be able to buy clothes of her choice now that she is growing extremely fast and she has a taste of her own. Marley is now a young woman who no longer fits in a normal size for her age, which makes it difficult for her to feel like herself when she is asked to wear things that she does not feel comfortable wearing.

Marley is 11 years old and lives in TX

Marley is a very bright young lady. Marley loves art and draws the most beautiful images. Marley loves and excels in school. Marley loves to play with her two other siblings, and they look up to her so much. Marley loves to help her mother around the home with chores and cooking. Marley is outgoing, and her spirit lights up the room.

The Wish Story

Department of Family and Protective Services requests this wish for Marley.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Marley! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Happy holidays Marley!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Family and Protective Services for Marley.

Marley receives the wish from TX DFPS - Harris County

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