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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Diapers for Brianna who is a growing girl

Posted Jan 10, 2024
Brianna is moving and growing so fast. Her kinship caregiver loves watching her change and develop. Diapers are so expensive however and her kinship caregiver would love some extra help with diapers so that she can free up funds for other needed items. Granting this wish would be extremely helpful and appreciated!

Brianna is 2 years old and lives in OR

Brianna is a snuggly girl who loves to be held and played with. She also loves snack time and cuddling in blankets. Brianna loves to watch her dog play with her toys and often smiles at her as she passes by. Brianna loves to go for walks in her stroller and hates car rides. She also loves to play in the water and hates when bath time is over.

The Wish Story

Child Advocates requests this wish for Brianna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jordan grants the wish for Brianna! Thanks Jordan.

"I hope these keep you clean and dry and no leaks so you can concentrate on playing and learning."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Child Advocates for Brianna.

Brianna receives the wish from Child Advocates

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