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Bulk diapers for Jada to be prepared for the next few months

Posted Jan 29, 2024
Jada is going to have a baby girl next month, and she's really excited but also a bit nervous about making sure she has everything she needs for her little one. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a big support network around her, and she's not currently able to work, which is making things a bit challenging for her. She's hoping to get a three-month supply of diapers before her baby arrives so that she can have some peace of mind and flexibility. Jada's also working on connecting with other resources and waiting to hear back about state assistance to help her out until she goes back to work. Any help or support would mean the world to her!

Jada is 20 years old and lives in NJ

Jada is a resilient and caring young lady who went into foster care when she was 16 years old. She’s been through a lot over the last few years but wants to have a better future for herself. Jada's going to be a first-time mom in February of this year. She wants to get her GED diploma and then a job once she's done with maternity leave. Jada is interested in either going to cosmetology school to be a beautician or college to become a teacher once she gets her diploma.

The Wish Story

DCF requests this wish for Jada.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jacqueline grants the wish for Jada! Thanks Jacqueline.

"You'll be a great mom, Jada. Congratulations!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the DCF for Jada.

Jada receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Hudson County

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