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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A nice crib for Liam who needs a comfortable place to sleep

Posted Feb 15, 2024
Liam is just the sweetest little thing! He's so curious and gentle, always bringing a smile to everyone's face. It's so important that he has a comfy crib to call his own, where he can feel safe and secure. This will not only help him physically but also promote a sense of belonging and stability during this important stage of his development.

Liam is 1 year old and lives in MO

Liam is a true bundle of joy, he exudes warmth with his infectious smile and bright, curious eyes. Despite the challenges he faced at such a young age, Liam's resilient spirit and affectionate nature shine through, captivating those around him. Providing Liam with a nurturing environment and loving support is essential for his healthy development and happiness.

The Wish Story

Live 2 Give Hope requests this wish for Liam.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Emily grants the wish for Liam! Thanks Emily.

"Enjoy your new crib, Liam! Best Wishes, Emily Isaiah 41:10"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Live 2 Give Hope for Liam.

Live 2 Give Hope receives the wish!

Liam receives the gift from Live 2 Give Hope!

"Thank you so very much for the crib for Liam! He will be able to sleep safely and soundly now in his very own space! His grandmother thanks you so very much for providing this wonderful crib! You are amazing!"

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