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About This Wish

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Cozy mattress for Liam to have a secure place to sleep

Posted Feb 15, 2024
Liam is currently in foster care. It's not his fault, but he's had to go through a lot of changes and transitions. He really just wants to feel a sense of stability and comfort. That's where a crib mattress comes in. You see, to Liam, it's not just a place to sleep- it's a symbol of home and security in his new environment. By giving him a crib mattress, we can help him get better rest and feel like he belongs during this tough time.

Liam is 1 year old and lives in MO

Liam is a true bundle of joy. He exudes warmth with his infectious smile and bright, curious eyes. Despite the challenges he faced at such a young age, Liam's resilient spirit and affectionate nature shine through, captivating those around him. Providing Liam with a nurturing environment and loving support is essential for his healthy development and happiness. Liam lives with his grandmother and four siblings.

The Wish Story

Live 2 Give Hope requests this wish for Liam.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Liam! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Enjoy the mattress! Every child deserves a place to sleep. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Live 2 Give Hope for Liam.

Live 2 Give Hope receives the wish!

Liam receives the gift from Live 2 Give Hope!

"Thank you so much for granting Liam's wish for a cozy mattress! He will LOVE snuggling up and sleeping like the baby he is. You are truly a blessing."

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