Chrishenna is a bright and charming young woman who has been dealing with chronic housing instability for years. She works hard and cares deeply about her community. She's a passionate artist who loves poetry, writing, and painting and is excited to pursue these more once she has more stability. You'd be lucky to cross paths with Chrishenna - despite having experienced hardship after hardship, she remains upbeat and thoughtful and is a delight to be around.
Youth Represent requests this wish for Chrisenna.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Youth Represent for Chrisenna.
"Wishing you the best of luck! It sounds like you are doing great work for the community, and they must be so grateful for your outreach efforts. I hope the community can also help support you in turn. "
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Youth Represent for Chrisenna.
Youth Represent receives the wish!
Chrisenna receives the gift from Youth Represent!
"Thank you! This gift is incredibly helpful and generous, and will make a world of difference :) "