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About This Wish

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A radio for Coby who loves to listen to all types of music

Posted Feb 20, 2024
Coby loves listening to music. He really likes to listen to different types. He would like a radio so when he is having a stressful day at school, he can come home, go to his room, turn on the radio, and relax. He stated music helps him calm down.

Coby is 20 years old and lives in NM

Coby is an amazing young man who is currently living in a group home. Though foster care has been tough on Coby, he has remained hopeful and very focused on school. He also enjoys the Special Olympics and one day; he hopes to become a barber. He is always kind and well-mannered, and everyone who meets him says his smile lights up the room.

The Wish Story

Children Youth and Families Department requests this wish for Coby.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

OSW Rockstars grants the wish for Coby! Thanks OSW Rockstars.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NM CYFD - Roosevelt County for Coby.

Coby receives the wish from NM CYFD - Roosevelt County

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