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A sensory swing for Serenity to play and wrap herself up

Posted Feb 26, 2024
Serenity is an active young girl who loves being adventurous and playing pretend. This sensory swing would allow Serenity to fulfill a sensory-seeking behavior of being wrapped up and cozy. The swing will also allow Serenity to play pretend in it and have fun while staying active. It is a great activity to have in the home as it is cold outside. Serenity can move it outside when the weather is nice and relax outside.

Serenity is 4 years old and lives in OH

Serenity is a very friendly and outgoing young girl who can often be seen laughing and running with other children. When she is at the park, she gets very excited to see other kids playing. She joins right in and wants to be everyone’s friend. She will usually introduce herself, but sometimes will talk through her foster parents to help break the ice. Serenity enjoys interacting with her foster parents and helping out around the house. She also likes to help with the younger kids who need help and to pick up after story time. Serenity is imaginative, inquisitive, funny, strong-willed and spirited.

The Wish Story

Focus on Youth, Inc. requests this wish for Serenity.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kristi grants the wish for Serenity! Thanks Kristi.


One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Focus on Youth, Inc. for Serenity.

Serenity receives the wish from Focus on Youth, Inc.

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