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About This Wish

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A gaming chair for Massiah who wants to be like his big sister

Posted Mar 21, 2024
Massiah loves playing football and video games. His favorite game system is the Xbox. He loves to play Fortnite with his friends and sister. He is asking for a gaming chair so he can be comfortable because it was a gift he wanted for Christmas and didn't get. This chair would allow him to have something of his own in his bedroom that he doesn't have to share with anyone. His big sister, who is also a gamer, has her own chair, and he wants one just like her. This would be a wonderful birthday gift for Massiah!

Massiah is 6 years old and lives in OH

Massiah is a bright young boy who loves school. He loves to play video games with his older sister. He is the youngest sibling of one other child. He loves to play football and likes it when his family is able to attend.

The Wish Story

The Buckeye Ranch requests this wish for Massiah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Massiah! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Happy, happy birthday!!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Buckeye Ranch for Massiah.

Massiah receives the wish from The Buckeye Ranch

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