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About This Wish

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Nike dunks for Tessa who has done so well in school

Posted Mar 28, 2024
Tessa is very excited to go to Florida for her summer vacation. She has never been to Disneyland and can't wait to visit. Tessa has been working hard in school and has made significant improvements in her reading and math skills. As a reward for her hard work and upcoming summer trip, Tessa would love to get a new pair of shoes.

Tessa is 11 years old and lives in VA

Tessa is an amazing little girl who is currently in foster care with her younger brother. Tessa has had much trauma in her short lifetime but has not allowed the trauma to take away her happy outlook on the world. She has some education delays but she works very hard in school. Tessa loves to sing and dance.

The Wish Story

VA DSS - Chesapeake City County requests this wish for Tessa.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Tessa! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the VA DSS - Chesapeake City County for Tessa.

Tessa receives the gift from VA DSS - Chesapeake City County!

"Thank you for the new shoes"

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