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A Boy Scout uniform for Levi to participate in group activities

Posted Apr 22, 2024
Levi wishes to get a Boy Scout uniform, which will allow him to be a part of the club and attend all of the fun events and activities that his troop has to offer, like parades, community service, and volunteering. He hopes to get all the necessary items, including a uniform shirt, shorts, long pants, socks, hat, and neckerchiefs to always look his best and feel like he belongs. This wish also means he'll have a chance to earn Merit Badges, build connections with his peers, and learn new skills. Being a part of the Boy Scouts means building leadership skills, working as part of a team, and connecting with the community. Wearing the uniform gives Levi a sense of pride and ownership in the club, which is something he truly deserves. Being in the scouts helps him build confidence, take a break from foster care, interact with peers his age, and develop new skills. Granting this wish will provide his uniform and help Levi start living his dream as a proud member of the Boy Scouts!

Levi is 15 years old and lives in OH

Levi is a great young man who has some great goals in life. He is currently in Jr. ROTC at school and does Boy Scouts after school. He very much enjoys working with his units to learn and grow. He enjoys weekend camps, earning badges, camping, hiking, and being outside. He wants to be able to fit in with the other kids and feel a sense of normalcy in his life.