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A cool pair of shoes for Matthew to wear on graduation day

Posted Apr 19, 2024
Matthew has been working really hard this year and is set to graduate from high school this June. He's already been accepted into the Army and can't wait to begin this new chapter in his life. Matthew is also a big football fan and is thrilled about the opportunity to play for the Army. He recently mentioned that he would love a new pair of shoes to wear on graduation day. He will be so proud to sport these cool shoes on his big day!

Matthew is 17 years old and lives in VA

Matthew is an amazing young man, who is really into sports. Despite facing some challenges in foster care, his love for athletics has helped him stay motivated and focused on his goals. It hasn't been easy for Matthew, though -- being removed from his old school and friends has been tough. But he's a smart guy, and he's determined to graduate early and pursue his dream of joining the military and playing football for them.