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A laptop for Angelo so he can complete school work during breaks at work

Posted Apr 24, 2024
Angelo is currently enrolled in an independent study program and requires a new laptop that he can easily carry back and forth between home and work. He works full-time during the day and completes his high school classes in the afternoon. Unfortunately, his old computer recently stopped working, so he has had to share computer time with family members. This can be challenging because he would like to take a laptop to work to complete classwork during his breaks and lunch. Angelo is motivated to stay on top of his school work to graduate, so having this computer would be very helpful for him to continue gaining independence and graduate on time.

Angelo is 16 years old and lives in CA

Angelo has been living in foster care with extended family since he was 10-years-old due to neglect. He has had some challenges navigating the change to middle school and high school, but now is doing really well. He is a wonderful young man with a quick smile and a great personality that really helps him in his job.