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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A stylish outfit and shoes for Barbie as she is applying for jobs

Posted May 2, 2024
Barbie is in pursuit of a summer job and wants to go all out to make a great impression. She's looking for a cute dress that she can wear to interviews and also to work once she gets the job. Of course, she also needs a pair of comfy yet stylish summer shoes to complete the look. She's really excited about this shopping adventure and can't wait to find the perfect pieces to help her feel confident and ready to tackle her first real job. This wish was broken into two parts, to allow for an amazing shopping experience! This is wish 1 of 2.

Barbie is 16 years old and lives in OH

Barbie is a hardworking girl who loves to go to school. She plays basketball at school, which has always been her passion. She is a good older sister and has always tried to help around the house when her mom was sick. Barbie wants to go to college someday.

The Wish Story

Therapeutic Interagency Program requests this wish for Barbie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Barbie! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Therapeutic Interagency Program for Barbie.

Therapeutic Interagency Program receives the wish!

Barbie receives the gift from Therapeutic Interagency Program !

"Thank you! Barbie is going to be so glad for the chance to shop for a special outfit!"

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