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Blue protective case for Colt's new iPad mini

Posted May 7, 2024
Colt is hopeful of getting an iPad mini to keep him entertained over the summer. He is responsible with his belongings, but accidents happen, so he wants to ensure his new tablet stays safe. The case he picked out has a wave-like pattern with different shades of blue, a strap to hang around his shoulder, and a carrying handle to hold or use to prop his tablet up.

Colt is 5 years old and lives in AZ

Colt is a sweet, handsome young man who adores dinosaurs. Colt is living with a kinship family who adores him and enjoys every moment they spend with him. Colt is in a developmental preschool to focus on certain goals before he enters kindergarten next year. Colt loves playing with his dino toys, watching cartoons, and hanging out with his foster siblings.