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A shopping spree for Rakesha to update her summer wardrobe

Posted May 13, 2024
Rakesha works very hard at her job, but is learning quickly that the expenses of renting quickly add up! It has been a very long time since Rakesha was able to purchase a new wardrobe for herself. Some new, fun clothing pieces would certainly make her summer! She deserves to feel refreshed, renewed, and excited when she dresses herself in the morning. She mentioned loving the store H&M because of its wide array of styles and affordable prices. Please make her dream come true of getting a few new summer outfits! This wish has been split into two parts to help Rakesha get what she needs. This is wish 2 of 2.

Rakesha is 22 years old and lives in NC

Rakesha is an intelligent, creative young woman who is learning to stand on her own two feet. She recently started working as a caregiver for vulnerable adults where she provides basic necessities and lots of love. Rakesha has been settling into her apartment. She has spent that time decorating the space with her own artwork. Rakesha is a talented artist and spends her free time painting with friends. She is drawn to the water, and dreams of spending her summer by the lake.