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A stroller for Cassie who loves taking her daughter for long walks

Posted Jun 25, 2024
**Today only, wishes that have been waiting longer than 30 days to be granted are just $25!** Cassie is the kindest young woman, who is an amazing mom to her toddler. She was shocked to find that her daughter had already outgrown her stroller! Cassie would so appreciate help in purchasing a new stroller so that she and her daughter can enjoy the gorgeous spring weather in the park.

Cassie is 24 years old and lives in NY

Cassie is an amazing young woman, living on her own for the very first time. She is also a supermom to her adorable daughter. She is great with children and one day she hopes to become a teacher or a school guidance counselor.

The Wish Story

City Living NY requests this wish for Cassie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Melissa grants the wish for Cassie! Thanks Melissa.

"I hope you and your daughter enjoy many long walks and adventures in the new stroller. You're doing an amazing job. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the City Living NY for Cassie.

Cassie receives the gift from City Living NY!

"Thank you so much for your generous gift! Cassie is so grateful for your support and has loved taking her baby for walks this summer. She can't thank you enough!"

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