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About This Wish

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A laptop for Bonaventure who is aspiring to work in Cyber Security

Posted May 23, 2024
Bonaventure has always felt an immense amount of pressure to show up for others and has often overextended himself to make others feel good. Now, he lives with his three siblings and is often putting their needs and interests above his own because he loves them more than anything. This summer, Bonaventure will finally have the chance to begin pursuing something he is genuinely passionate about. Bonaventure is about to begin taking classes this summer to study computer science and mathematics. He needs a computer that will support the proper software and allow for robust performance.

Bonaventure is 20 years old and lives in NJ

Right now, Bonaventure is attending college to study computer science and Mathematics. This summer, he is enrolled in three college math courses. Bonaventure is so excited to be enrolled in college and to pursue his interests. Aside from school and his studies, Bonaventure loves making music, playing chess, and exercising.

The Wish Story

OSW By Us - 3 requests this wish for Bonaventure.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Bonaventure! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the OSW By Us - 3 for Bonaventure.

Bonaventure receives the wish from OSW By Us - 3

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