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Acne Spot Treatment for Reece who wants to keep up with her skin routine

Posted Jul 9, 2024
As most teenagers do, Reece struggles with occasional acne. As she starts a new school, she wants to make a great first impression. She also wants to treat her acne quickly by using Neutrogena Acne treatment. Maintaining a healthy skin routine will help her feel more confident around her new classmates.

Reece is 16 years old and lives in IN

Reece is a special teenager. She doesn't mind getting up early and loves "fun coffee drinks," as she calls them. She is not afraid to work for what she wants, but this has been hard since she was removed from her mother's care and has not had any contact with her father for years. Reece likes to paint her nails, have "spa days" at home, and watch movies. She has a great sense of humor and will always befriend the underdog.

The Wish Story

CASA IN - Pulaski County requests this wish for Reece.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Reece! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi, Reece. Whoever you are, keep going. People you don't even know care about you and your happiness. Don't give up on finding it--or yourself. -A stranger in Indiana"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CASA IN - Pulaski County for Reece.

Reece receives the wish from CASA IN - Pulaski County

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