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A 1000-piece puzzle for Jerm to stay busy and focused

Posted Aug 1, 2024
Over the past couple of months, Jerm has started working on puzzles. He just finished one of Star Wars. He was so proud to show it off when he was finished. He uses this to focus and keep himself busy. When asked if he would like another, he asked if he could have one of the Joker. This 1000-piece puzzle will keep him busy!

Jerm is 16 years old and lives in OH

Jerm is a very hopeful and focused young man. He has been through all aspects of care: residential, group home, and back to foster care. He is hoping to go back home soon. He will be starting at the local Career Center for Information Technology. He currently lives in a home with one of his siblings. He is a great kid.

The Wish Story

The Buckeye Ranch requests this wish for Jerm.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Virginia grants the wish for Jerm! Thanks Virginia.

"Hi Jerm, I hope you enjoy your new puzzle. I do alot of puzzles myself and always love putting the last piece in! Have a wonderful time with it. I wish you the very, very best, Ginny"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Buckeye Ranch for Jerm.

The Buckeye Ranch receives the wish!

"Jerm was so excited to receive this puzzle. He put away what he was doing and started on it right away. Keeping him busy and focused means a great deal to the foster parent as well. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. I cannot express how much it is appreciated. "

Jerm receives the wish from The Buckeye Ranch

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