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Padded climbing set for Ariel to climb and explore safely

Posted Aug 21, 2024
Ariel has developmental delays and special needs due to the neglect she faced as a baby. This soft surface climbing set is perfect for helping Ariel with learning to stand, maintain balance, build tone, develop climbing skills, make transitions from one position to another, and work on walking skills. Ariel is in many therapies and sees multiple therapists who are in the process of diagnosing her with cerebral palsy. This climbing set would help her through this diagnosis and help her grow in her milestones.

Ariel is 1 year old and lives in OH

Ariel is such a sweet and cuddly girl. She is very tiny and came into foster care due to neglect, having not been fed or having her basic daily needs met. When she arrived at the foster home, she was classified as a failure to thrive and would hardly cry. However, she has already started to make progress and is receiving the extra support and love she needs to reach her milestones. Ariel loves making eye contact and often smiles at others, showing her blossoming spirit in this nurturing environment.

The Wish Story

Adriel Foster Care and Adoption requests this wish for Ariel.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

2024 Towards a Wish grants the wish for Ariel! Thanks 2024 Towards a Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Adriel Foster Care and Adoption for Ariel.

Adriel Foster Care and Adoption receives the wish!

"Thank you for the climbing set for Ariel. She is loving exploring her new climbing set, while helping her address her developmental needs. Thanks for helping Ariel in her overall well being! "

Ariel receives the wish from Adriel Foster Care and Adoption - Lucas County

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