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Shoes for RaeLynn as she is learning to walk
Posted Aug 30, 2024
RaeLynn has been developing and growing! She has been crawling all around and has started to stand and cruise around furniture. RaeLynn would love to wear these shoes as they will help provide her with support as she walks. She also would love the squeak sound they make!
Raelynn is a sweet girl. She was born with several special needs, was exposed to drugs in utero, and has had a rough start to life. In spite of all she has been through, Raelynn is such a fighter and loves to snuggle!
The Wish Story
Adriel Foster Care and Adoption requests this wish for RaeLynn.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Mehmet grants the wish for RaeLynn! Thanks Mehmet.
"I hope you enjoy your gift"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Adriel Foster Care and Adoption for RaeLynn.
RaeLynn receives the wish from Adriel Foster Care and Adoption - Lucas County
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Adriel Foster Care and Adoption requests this wish for RaeLynn.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Mehmet grants the wish for RaeLynn! Thanks Mehmet.
"I hope you enjoy your gift"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Adriel Foster Care and Adoption for RaeLynn.
RaeLynn receives the wish from Adriel Foster Care and Adoption - Lucas County