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About This Wish

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A headboard for Selena to make her new space feel homey

Posted Sep 6, 2024
Selena is a young mom who has recently had to find a new apartment. Shortly after she started having car problems that unfortunately led to her losing her job. She has very little expendable money, but she dreams of making her place feel like home. This wish can help her start taking those steps!

Selena is 24 years old and lives in NM

Selena is a young mom who has been working to provide herself and her daughter a good life. She is a very caring person. Since having her daughter she has worked hard to find a place to stay and is working on setting up her space to be a home.

The Wish Story

NM CYFD - Bernalillo County requests this wish for Selena.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Gupta Family Fund grants the wish for Selena! Thanks Gupta Family Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NM CYFD - Bernalillo County for Selena.

Selena receives the wish from NM CYFD - Bernalillo County

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