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About This Wish

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A phone for Jason to further his independence

Posted Oct 20, 2024
As Jason takes on the challenges of independent living, community college, and parenthood, a reliable cell phone is essential for his success. Unfortunately, the monthly stipend provided by the foster care system isn’t enough to cover the cost of a new phone, which he desperately needs. With a new phone, Jason could collaborate with classmates on group projects, stay connected with his baby through video calls, and manage his responsibilities with confidence. Having this vital tool would empower him to keep moving forward toward his goals and build a brighter future for himself and his child.

Jason is 19 years old and lives in PA

Jason is an incredible young man residing in supported independent living in his first apartment. Jason attends the nearby community college for theater, and he hopes to be an actor someday. He is especially excited for his theater and art classes this semester. Additionally, Jason was overjoyed to welcome his first baby girl into his life this past summer, another learning curve that Jason is excited to take on with passion and dedication. Jason's journey through the foster care system the last 10 years has been nothing short of challenging, but Jason has taken on all of life's challenges in stride and is an exceptional young man.

The Wish Story

Support Center for Child Advocates requests this wish for Jason.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Jason! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Support Center for Child Advocates for Jason.

Jason receives the wish from Support Center for Child Advocates

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