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About This Wish

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LED Lights for Ivyonna's bedroom

Posted Oct 25, 2024
Ivyonna is looking for LED lights to decorate her bedroom and bring a touch of fun and flair to the space. She envisions colorful, vibrant lighting that will enhance the atmosphere and reflect her personality. Whether it's soft pastels or bold neon colors, she wants the lights to create a cozy and inviting environment. Ivyonna believes that these lights will not only brighten up her room but also serve as a unique way to express her style and creativity.

Ivyonna is 14 years old and lives in MD

Ivyonna is a bright and kind young lady. She enjoys attending school, spending time with her friends, watching movies, and listening to music. Ivyonna is very creative; she is always looking for ways to redesign her bedroom and showcase her artistic talents.

The Wish Story

Children's Choice requests this wish for Ivyonna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Judy grants the wish for Ivyonna! Thanks Judy.

"God loves you"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children's Choice for Ivyonna.

Children's Choice receives the wish!

"To say “thank you” seems so small in comparison to your gift. We know, “it wasn’t that much…” but it was to a child who has had a lot of sadness in their lives. To them, your gift represents someone they don’t know taking time to consider them. To them, your gift means that someone they never met was thinking about them in a time when that is not a common occurrence. Thank you for taking the time, for spending the money, for your consideration to those who don’t have much. Have a blessed Christmas season and a wonderful New Year! "

Ivyonna receives the wish from Children's Choice

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