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Journal for Kyleigh to jot down her thoughts as a coping mechanism

Posted Jan 9, 2025
Kyleigh struggles with her self-esteem and self-worth due to experiences before and during her time in care. To help improve her feelings about herself, she has come up with the idea of starting a self-affirmation journal. Additionally, she wants a place to jot down her thoughts, as writing has proven to be one of the coping skills that benefits her the most.

Kyleigh is 22 years old and lives in MO

Kyleigh is a very smiley, strong young woman who has been through more hardships in her life than anyone should have to experience. From moving from placement to placement, to a number of group homes, she is finally in a place where she can dream big and feel safe at the same time. She loves animals, especially Corgis, and loves to play games with her roommates. Kyleigh never lets her diagnoses hinder her from learning and experience life to its fullest.

The Wish Story

Preferred Family Healthcare requests this wish for Kyleigh.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Kyleigh! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Preferred Family Healthcare for Kyleigh.

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