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Storage containers for Bobby for their cosmetology program

Posted Jan 18, 2025
Bobby has recently been admitted into a cosmetology program and is thrilled to embark on this exciting new journey. As they prepare to dive into their studies, they realize they need some essential supplies to get started. Specifically, Bobby is in need of storage bins to organize their cosmetology tools and materials effectively. These bins will help keep everything in order and easily accessible during classes and practice. Bobby would greatly appreciate any assistance with purchasing these items, as it will help set a solid foundation for their learning experience in the program.

Bobby Alexandria is 27 years old and lives in CA

Bobby is someone who has and continues to learn from their difficult past. They have endured more than anyone should, and despite continuing to navigate hardships and even scary situations, Bobby chooses over and over to strive for the success they see for themselves. They have achieved high grades and connected themselves to any resources possible to assist them on their journey. Bobby is open about being someone on the Spectrum and finds pride in working through life as a neurodivergent. They also have a high IQ, which shows in the way they easily achieve high grades at the college level. Bobby loves animals and practically has their own zoo at home. They care for five cats, two dogs, and several other small animals that bring Bobby comfort and joy and are pieces of their family as well. Moreover, Bobby finds calm in getting their nails done and spending time with folks they care about.

The Wish Story

Pivotal requests this wish for Bobby Alexandria.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Dameon's Legacy Fund grants the wish for Bobby Alexandria! Thanks Dameon's Legacy Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Pivotal for Bobby Alexandria.

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