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New Peppa Pig Doll for Kamora who loves to do gymnastics

Posted Dec 23, 2019
Kamora wishes for a new Peppa Pig Doll she can play with. She loves Peppa Pig and would love to have her very own to cuddle with at night!

Kamora is 8 years old and lives in NJ

Kamora loves Elmo and Dora. She loves to play, dance and sing. Kamora will be going to a new foster home with her sibling.

The Wish Story

Charity Kings Inc. requests this wish for Kamora.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Michael grants the wish for Kamora! Thanks Michael.

"We hope this doll will help you feel better and sleep well at night!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Charity Kings Inc. for Kamora.

Charity Kings Inc. receives the wish!

Kamora receives the gift from Charity Kings Inc.!

"Thank you for my cool Peppa Pig doll."

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