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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Costco card for Jackie and her children who shop in bulk to save money

Posted Feb 10, 2020
Jackie has not been able to work after the birth of her second child, who is still only four months old. She tries to be a smart shopper, using Costco to buy items at discounted bulk pricing, but it is still one of the biggest stressors for her. Please consider helping Jackie with some food for her, her 4 year old, and her infant - who has just started eating baby foods and is loving them so far!

Jackie is 24 years old and lives in NY

Jackie is a foster youth who is preparing for life after aging out of the system. She currently shares a one bedroom apartment with her two adorable children. She is the most caring mother, always asking for items for her children above herself. She is committed to learning all she can as she begins to enter life on her own after care.

The Wish Story

City Living NY requests this wish for Jackie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Bethany grants the wish for Jackie! Thanks Bethany.

"Congratulations on your new baby! I hope this helps you to enjoy the time with your precious little ones a bit more."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the City Living NY for Jackie.

Jackie receives the wish from City Living NY

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