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About This Wish

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A Playstation for Rashid to connect with his friends again

Posted Apr 22, 2020
Rashid is in a new foster home that provides limited opportunities for recreation. He is just settling in after an extended stay in congregate care. Due to COVID-19, he is home full-time and would like to have access to a video game platform to help pass the time. He misses spending time with his friends. A PS4 will allow him the connection with his friends through playing video games against/with them virtually.

Rashid is 19 years old and lives in PA

Rashid is a young man with a lot of challenges, including a long history of residing in foster care and a lack of family connections. He lived in foster care from 2012-2017. After receiving permanency through a permanent legal guardian, he returned to foster care in 2018 due to the guardian's medical crises. Rashid is funny and cares about his younger brother, who is also in foster care. He is adventurous, has a fun sense of humor, and enjoys exploring. He is very out-going, particularly with those he feels most connected to. He thrives when he has opportunities for connection with others.

The Wish Story

CASA of Delaware and Chester Counties requests this wish for Rashid.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

COVID-19 grants the wish for Rashid! Thanks COVID-19.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CASA of Delaware and Chester Counties for Rashid.

CASA of Delaware and Chester Counties receives the wish!

Rashid receives the gift from CASA of Delaware and Chester Counties !

"Thank you for the quick and generous fulfillment of this wish. This will make a big difference to this youth's sense of satisfaction in his current environment. "

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