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A TV Stand for Clarissa and her daughter to stay comfortable during quarantine

Posted Jun 3, 2020
Clarissa and her daughter, like all New Yorkers, have been stuck inside for shelter in place orders since March. They have been using their TV for entertainment and educational purposes, but haven't had a stand to put it on. Clarissa is slowly working on building a better home for her and her child, and is doing so on practically no income. She is asking for a TV stand so that TV watching can be more comfortable in the home, and want a place to store their entertainment and education-based things. Shelving and storage are very limited in their NYCHA apartment.

Clarissa is 29 years old and lives in NY

Clarissa is a dedicated mother from Brooklyn, NY. She has aged out of foster care and has been working on gaining consistent employment, and trying to gain and learn new skills toward building an independent life. Clarissa lives alone with her 6 year old daughter and is a dedicated parent. She is a fearless advocate for her daughter and for the needs of people in public housing and continues to show resilience in everything she does.

The Wish Story

City Living NY requests this wish for Clarissa.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Clarissa! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the City Living NY for Clarissa.

Clarissa receives the wish from City Living NY

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