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An iPod for Richie who loves the NBA

Posted Jul 9, 2020
Richie lives in a group home with few opportunities for entertainment and would like an iPod touch and headphones so that he can listen to music, play games, and keep in touch with family and friends on social media. Richie particularly loves the NBA and would like to be able to watch highlight videos and look at scores for the games. An iPod would allow Richie to use social media which would allow him to stay in touch with family members he does not see frequently.

Richard is 24 years old and lives in NY

Richie is a lovely young man who has been in foster care for the last 7 years. He lives in a group home with few opportunities for entertainment. Richie loves the NBA and would like to be able to watch highlight videos and look at scores for the games.Despite the hardships he has endured Richie is an extraordinarily kind and loving person who dreams of going to college and eventually working with animals.

The Wish Story

Children's Law Center requests this wish for Richard.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Chelsea grants the wish for Richard! Thanks Chelsea.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children's Law Center for Richard.

Richard receives the gift from Children's Law Center!

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