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A Laptop for Kevin who is working towards becoming an Automotive Technician

Posted Jul 27, 2020
Kevin is working extremely hard to complete his GED and become an Automotive Technician all at the same time. He is determined to create a better life for himself. However with school's going to remote learning and resources being limited, Kevin fears he may have to put his dreams on hold for a bit without a laptop. Kevin would love to receive a laptop to help him complete both his GED and Automotive Technician Certification and eventually help him succeed in finding his career!

Kevin is 31 years old and lives in CA

Kevin's time in foster care was unpleasant on multiple occasions. He was often bullied and abused so he ran away from time to time. After much turmoil and trauma Kevin aged out and now enjoys playing video games and hanging out with his sister and friends. He is currently attending UEI for Automotive Technician and studying to get his GED!

The Wish Story

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*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Kevin! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

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Kevin receives the wish from One Simple Wish

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